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CO2 laser resurfacing treatment Things you need to know about

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CO2 laser resurfacing treatment: Things you need to know about

A wide variety of skin problems, including wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and liver spots, are treated with CO2 laser skin resurfacing. The CO2 treatment is a straightforward, non-invasive process involving focused lasers to enhance the texture and look of the skin.

CO2 skin laser resurfacing has a longer recovery time and higher aftercare requirements than other aesthetic medical procedures. However, it can significantly improve conditions, including scarring, age spots, and uneven skin tone. This is so that tighter, healthier skin can grow in its place after the damaged skin is removed by CO2 laser resurfacing.

Any medical procedure is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly or without great consideration. We’ll give you a quick rundown of what to anticipate if you’re considering getting CO2 resurfacing treatment below.

What does CO2 Laser skin resurfacing treat?

  • Although CO2 laser skin mainly resurfacing treats fine lines and wrinkles, it can also be used to treat various other skin issues.


    CO2 can also improve:

    • Scars from acne or chickenpox
    • Enlarged oil glands
    • Non-responsive skin after a facelift
    • Sun-damaged skin
    • Liver spots
    • Birthmarks
    • Warts
    • Yellow or gray skin tones

How does CO2 Laser skin resurfacing work?

CO2 works by gradually eliminating layers of damaged skin. The top layer of skin is removed by your practitioner using a carbon dioxide laser to deliver brief, intense light pulses. The laser also heats the skin beneath, which encourages collagen synthesis. Today, the majority of CO2 resurfacing is done in a fractional CO2 manner, meaning little skin dots are left untreated in between. This allows for faster healing and a much lower risk of complications.

As a result, the new skin that develops is tighter and healthier.

What Happens during CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing?

The CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedure differs from person to person because it cures various skin problems. Discuss in detail with your doctor what to anticipate from your system.

To get your skin ready for CO2 laser resurfacing safely, you might need to undergo a series of treatments beforehand. As a result, there is a lower chance of complications and a higher chance that the outcome would be ideal.

The CO2 laser procedure lasts for around 30 minutes; however, most patients are numb for about an hour beforehand. To ease the pain, your doctor first applies a topical anesthetic. Your doctor might also advise sedatives or pain relievers if treating a sizable skin patch.

Before treating the intended area meticulously, your doctor first cleanses the skin. Your doctor will apply a barrier cream after treatment to aid with healing and stave off infection.

Most patients require one treatment to achieve their goals. Your doctor will help you determine how many sessions you’ll need.

Are there any side effects?

Every surgery has possible side effects, but a skilled doctor will do all in their power to keep things simple for you. Your medical history will be reviewed before therapy. Antibiotics for prevention may be recommended to patients more susceptible to infection. Certain medications that raise your risk of bleeding or scarring may be stopped, or the dosage may be reduced.

Here are a few Side effects of CO2 laser skin resurfacing include:

  • Burning
  • Rashes
  • Bumps
  • Redness
  • Scarring
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Hyper/hypopigmentation

Most side effects will likely go away independently, and others can be treated with follow-up treatments.

How long is the recovery time?

You can go home immediately after treatment, but you’ll need to recover for three to ten days.

Your doctor will give you an aftercare kit to take with you that should have saline or vinegar-based face cleanser in it. Depending on the directions supplied, you should clean your skin two to five times per day.

Peeling, redness, and seeping of the skin are common side effects after recuperation, but they are all self-limited. Ice packs can be used to ease any discomfort or swelling.

While recovering, you can go about your everyday business with some safety, but you must limit contact with germs to avoid getting sick. This entails avoiding locations like crowded bars and restaurants, and gyms. Additionally, it would be best to keep a distance from your dogs, including not allowing them to share your bed. Regardless of how clean they are, your pets often carry bacteria that might infect you while recovering.

Your skin will be sun-sensitive for up to a year following CO2 laser treatment. Always remember to apply sunscreen before going outside, even on cloudy days.

How long do the results last?

Although outcomes are not permanent, most patients keep them for several years. As your skin changes with age, you might need to repeat the surgery or a similar treatment someday.

Maintaining your results can be easier with a healthy skincare routine that includes sunscreen.

CO2 Laser skin resurfacing: The bottom line.

While CO2 laser skin resurfacing has a more extended recovery period than comparable procedures, it can produce striking improvements in issues like age spots, scarring, skin discoloration, and fine lines brought on by aging.

After the healing process, you will see significant improvements in your skin, which can significantly improve your self-esteem and self-image.

Is the question where to find co2 laser treatment near me?

Here is the answer to your question! Saharacosmo practitioners have extensive experience with CO2 laser resurfacing treatments. Sharacosmo not only provides co2 laser resurfacing treatments but also provides you with a complete range of aesthetic and therapeutic superfluities for rare skin conditions and common skin concerns. Feel free to contact us today to discuss your options.

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